Sometimes if you want something to exist,
you have to make it yourself.

So that's what I did.

(Inspired by Bread & Puppets' Why Cheap Art Manifesto.)

The WHY CHEAP THEATER? manifesto

Theater should not just be a plaything for the rich. It belongs to all of us.

This is not to say that rich people can’t have nice things, but why do they get to have all of them? Didn’t anyone teach them to share?

“Theater” can exist outside of “The Theater.” That’s just a place.

You can make theater anywhere.

You can make theater in your house. You can make theater in a field. You can make theater in your car. Or in a parking space. Or on your phone. Or in an alley. Or on a computer. Or in a computer. In places no one has ever heard of (not even mapmakers, snoops, or Googlers).

If you make good theater, then that inspires ME to make good theater. Which then inspires OTHERS to make good theater. Which then inspires YOU to make good theater, etc., etc., ad inifinitum, OUROBOROS, etc., etc.

Waiting for THE THEATER to pick up what you’re putting down is not the best use of your time.
You could be making theater right now.
On your own terms.

Make them come to you, if that’s what you want. There is an established theater system, and there is the rest of the world. The rest of the world needs theater too.

Are you seriously still reading this? Why aren’t you out there making theater?

Do you think you need permission?


You’ve had it all along.